Wednesday 3 September 2008

How Bad Is Terrence Howard�s Album, Anyway?

In a profile in yesterday's "Arts & Leisure," under the terror-inducing headline "An Actor Makes an Album, His Way," the New York Times' Anthony DeCurtis obliquely suggests several hilarious times that Shine Through It, the forthcoming musical endeavor from Hustle & Flow star Terrence Howard, just might be the most awful thing ever. For example:

Regardless of his intentions, Mr. Howard's debut album, Shine Through It, which comes out on Sept. 2 on Columbia Records, does not sound like [Don] McLean or [Jim] Croce, or, for that matter, Barry Manilow, another songwriter whom he cites admiringly.

Also, this:

When Mr. Howard would not relent [on his demand to produce the album himself], [Sony Label Group VP] Lisa Ellis gave him a modest prerecording budget, essentially in the hope that he would learn how difficult making an album is and agree to revisit the list [of producers] she had provided. Instead "he called me five days later and goes, 'Lisa, I'm done with the album.'"

We've heard some crappy actor-made records before, though, so how bad can this one possibly be? Well, we tracked down YouTube footage of Howard's performance at Friday's J&R Musicfest in New York, and it turns out Shine Through It might really be something special.

Feel exempt to skip through his pompous three-minute introduction (or don't � it's ridiculous) to the part where he actually starts telling. (Parts two and troika of this masterful performance can be seen hither and here, if you can accept it.) Is the audience messing with him? And why are his dance orchestra members dressed like that? Are they wearing disguises?

An Actor Makes an Album, His Way [NYT]
Earlier: The Ten Greatest Albums Made by Actors

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